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Gartner Market Guide for Utility CIS 2024

MDM | Meter Data Management


Enhance features required for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) deployment.

Smartflex’s advanced MDM solution combines automated processes with powerful functionalities to turn smart meter data into valuable insights. The system enables utilities to collect large volumes of interval and scalar meter data, remotely manage smart meters, and ensure the accuracy of the data through validation, estimation, and edition rules. This approach allows utilities to offer new personalized programs, implement new rate models, improve billing accuracy and offer smart-grid and e-mobility based services.

What do we do?

  • Empower utilities to become the preferred partner of prosumers
  • Help businesses manage the risks generated by consumer-owned energy generation resources.
  • Allow utilities to deploy successfully AMI infrastructures
  • Support differential rates
  • Support dual metering

“Smartflex has helped us overcome communication challenges with its VEE capabilities and flexibility to model and validate business rules, giving our users autonomy with the ability to adapt the system according to the characteristics of our technology”

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