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Agile and flexible systems are the answer to the challenges of industry disruption
Service providers are looking for solutions that can extend their core functionality to comply with regulatory changes, customer expectations, and
The CIS of the future is a holistic solution
Holistic CIS solutions provide a broader range of functionalities than their predecessors, covering commercial and operational customer processes more effectively
Customer expectations are reshaping the technological needs of utility companies
Customer expectations are varied and constantly changing, so it is important that companies stay in close contact with their customers
How to survive in the Microgrid Future
A microgrid can connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grid-connected or island-mode.
Natural Gas Demand Response
The natural gas industry is looking at demand response (DR) as a resource to help itself deal with peak demand
How to get Customers to Reduce Peak Loads
The electrical industry is looking for ways to reshape daily power demand profiles in order to reduce the cost of