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We promote integrity and honesty

We implement formal communication mechanisms

We are an organization that promotes integrity and honesty as part of our corporate responsibility; that’s why we have established the Open Ethics Line, a space where our employees, customers, and suppliers can safely and confidentially report violations of Open Intelligence’s principles, values, and policies, or any act they believe goes against the ethics of our organization.

Do you want to report unethical behavior and violations of Open Intelligence’s principles, values, and policies?


We are a transparent organization

Under the principles of honesty and reliability, at Open Intelligence we work to develop cutting-edge technology that positively impacts the lives of our customers. Since our inception, we have strived to ensure integrity in all our business relationships, whether with clients, suppliers, partners, or other stakeholders.

We promote ethical management

At Open, we operate with ethics and transparency as the guiding principles of our corporate culture. That is why we have developed management tools that guide our stakeholders toward making decisions with integrity.

At Open Intelligence we are a transparent organization

Under the principles of honesty and reliability, at Open Intelligence, we work to develop cutting-edge technology that positively impacts the lives of our customers. Since our inception, we have ensured integrity in all our business relationships with customers and suppliers, as well as with partners and other stakeholders.  

At Open, we work with ethics and transparency as a guiding principle of our corporate culture. That is why we have developed management tools that guide our stakeholders towards making integral decisions:

We promote ethical management

We implement formal communication mechanisms

We are an organization that promotes integrity and honesty as part of its corporate responsibility. That is why we have enabled the Open Line of Ethics, a confidential space to communicate the existence or suspicion of any act that you consider to be against the ethics of our organization.

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para informarnos acerca de su caso. Open Intelligence ha puesto a su disposición este sitio web para que colaboradores, clientes y proveedores puedan informar de manera segura y confidencial, sobre comportamientos no éticos y violaciones a los principios, valores y políticas de Open Intelligence.

¿Do you want to report any unethical behavior and violations of the principles, values and policies of Open Intelligence?


Reduzca el costo total de propiedad (TCO), disminuyendo el número de integraciones entre sistemas, con un software end-to-end CIS/CRM/MDM/MWM.


Fortalezca la relación comercial con sus clientes a través de múltiples canales digitales e interacciones basadas en inteligencia artificial.


Amplíe las funciones del sistema, sin realizar costosas personalizaciones que reducen su mantenibilidad.


Adapte fácilmente los procesos de negocio a los cambios del mercado e implemente nuevas iniciativas alineadas con su proceso de transformación digital.


Innove continuamente para enfrentar los desafíos del mercado y obtener una ventaja competitiva.


Aproveche las nuevas tecnologías que impulsan la transformación digital (nube, movilidad, analíticas y desarrollo bimodal, entre otras), con una plataforma que le permite crear capacidades innovadoras.


Impulse la eficiencia de su operación y configure procesos de trabajo más inteligentes.


Obtenga toda la información de sus clientes con una visión de 360 grados, sin el esfuerzo adicional de consolidar y sincronizar la información entre múltiples sistemas.


Manténgase a la vanguardia de las tendencias de la industria con un potente motor de facturación que soporta los escenarios de precios más complejos y permite la entrega de nuevos productos de energía y modelos de negocios.

Permítanos mostrarle cómo podemos ayudarlo a mejorar el rendimiento de su compañía

Empoderando su negocio